We value every individual as extraordinary, uniquely crafted in the image of God with a voice to be heard, a gift to be used, knowledge to be shared and service to be offered.  We are particularly conscious of embracing the poor, oppressed, and marginalized as we endeavor to create a world of lasting compassion, justice, liberation and peace.

With God’s grace, we journey together in Christian faith as we strive to overcome our separateness, heal our divisions, restore our relationships and work towards reconciliation through transformation of the human heart.  We are committed to ensuring that no person stands alone and we make it a priority to shape authentic relationships where people can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served.

We have committed ourselves to the ongoing work of being an ONA congregation; one that lives out the belief that God is still speaking.  No matter who or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome in the Beloved Community Church United Church of Christ.